Agriculture and Production Department is headed by the City Production Officer and is responsible for coordinating the implementation of Government production policies, programmes, projects and regulations in the areas of agriculture, production and extension services. 

The number of Markets in the city have increased to 40, Valley tanks to 2, Fish ponds to 174, Valley dams to 3 and primary cooperative societies 60. On the other hand, the proportion of household latrine coverage now stands at 88%, Household hand washing with soap at 80%, Safe water coverage 77% and Piped water schemes 50%. Finally, the Tones of solid waste generated per year 28,235 while the amount of Tones of solid waste collected in a year was at 17,155

  • Provide, manage and spearhead the delivery of production extension services;
  • Implement programs for the production of agricultural products, including crop growing, poultry, veterinary and fish farming;
  • Provide technical guidance and advice to the Management of the City on production issues, programmes and projects;
  • Monitor the detection and control of the threat and occurrence of pests, vermin and animal epidemics;
  • Monitor the use and management of production facilities;
  • Identify and promote appropriate production technologies and best practices;
  • Provide technical support to farmers to facilitate increased production and high yields;
  • Identify market potential and advice the producers appropriately;
  • Collect, manage and disseminate agricultural/production information and data;
  • Identify, develop and implement measures to prevent and contain food shortages.
Core Section Heads