The Health Services Department is headed by the City Health Officer and is responsible for coordination and Management of health services in the City to ensure preventive and curative health delivery systems.

In terms of Health Services, the city has constructed one University Teaching Hospital, increasing the number of Regional Referral Hospitals to 2. The city also upgraded one HCIV to a General Hospital level and one Health Centre III to a Health HCIV. All these major upgrades have impacted on health services as follows; Maternal Death Risk per 100,000 deliveries 275 (AHSPR, 2019/20), Proportion of the population living within radius of 5 km of a health facility 82%, Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000) at 27, Per capita OPD utilization ratio at 0.64, Contraceptive prevalence rate at 51%, Deliveries in health facilities at 70%, and Malaria Prevalence 13% (AHSPR, 2019/20).


  • Promote policies, actions for health and sustainable development and monitor and evaluate the delivery of health programs and services in the City.
  • Manage the implementation of the Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package
  • Provide technical guidance and support supervision to Health Centres.
  • Coordinate the maintenance of Health equipment and facilities.
  • Interpret and integrate National Health Policies in the City Health Plans.
  • Coordinate PHC sensitization programs in the Communities.
  • Manage health research and collect and collate health data and statistics.
  • Develop and maintain a Health Management Information System in the City.
  • Liaise with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders in enforcing adherence to National Health Service Delivery Standards.
  • Enforce the Professional and Service Codes of Conduct and Ethics.
  • Strengthen the prevention and control systems for non-communicable and communicable diseases including emergency response.
  • Public Health Promotion.
  • Waste Management.
  • Medical Services
Core Section Heads